Friday, July 18, 2003

Week 2!

This week Dave Nelson sub'd for Mikey (Merryweather). Lori & Dave played some exhausting, water-needed rallys and served untouchable aces to keep all their games close. On the side lines, Mikey was entertained by Riley (or entertainment for?), as Lori's men were cheering her on. And we saw one of Riley's hidden talents -- chugging water like there's no tomorrow!

Hint for Mikey: more water, less Cheerios.
Hint for Mona: bring more water next week.

Both Megan & Keith (known as the head-hunter) and Mona & Tom were defeated in 2 point games against Lara & Mike. After playing Mona & Tom for a 31-29 win, Mike wondered if we should have a cap. A suggestion of capping at 50 was met with a quiet response -- we really want to suffer on those long ones! But the suggestion of playing with the small volleyball replica for the finals raised some eyebrows of interest.

Seems our accountant, Keith, is doing some fancy shifting of funds, and now Tom, Megan and Mikey are now owing. Mikey is appealing the decision but Keith has been overheard saying, "Mikey, I can't break my accountant ethics, I signed an oath. After working for Enron, I've learned my lesson."

Standings, Week 2:
Mike & Lara - 3 points (total 6)
Megan & Keith - 2 points (total 4)
Mona & Tom - 1 point (total 1)
Mike & Lori - bagel (total 1)


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