Friday, July 25, 2003

Playoff Schedule

We agreed to finish this summer off on August 28th -- FINALS!!! Our last night of round robins will be August 21st where the first half will be tallied up and the winners paid out! The final night's schedule is below and the rankings are based on play in previous round robins.

A picture speaks a thousand words but in case that doesn't help, below is a verbal description. Did I get this right? I didn't take into account "Keith Logic" so...

A) 1st vs 4th
B) 2nd vs 3rd
C) Winner of A vs Winner of B
D) Loser of A vs Loser of B
E) Winner of C vs Winner of D (back door for 1st/2nd)
F) Loser of D vs Loser of C (for 3rd/4th)