Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Back from NYC

Being back from NYC is a bit of a culture shock for Mona & I. The energy is different and the number of people. There are more people on the Manhattan island than in the entire BC province! But back to vball.

Thanks to Mike "Big Mac" Waller and Craig "Crazy" Peterson for substituting for Mona & Tom. Even though the boys had a poor performance the first week -- that $5 incentive wasn't enough -- they pulled out a win over Mike & Lara in the 2nd week.

This Thursday (August 14) may turn out to be a play-day where the points don't matter. Lori & Mike are travelling to California for a few days for a house party of 250-people! And Megan is up in the big town of Lake Cowichan where there are a total of 250 people.

Keith did some auditing of the accounting and found he was short $20. A pending inquiry is before the audit committee as Keith suspects Tom hasn't paid. Tom is preparing to appeal the decision.

Keith tells me this was the outcome from the last two weeks:
Lara & Mike - 1st both times
Megan & Keith - 2nd both times
Craig & Mike - 3rd both times
Lori & Mike - 4th both times