Friday, June 18, 2004

First Sixpack of the Year!

Was it a true sixpack or did the ball just knock off Mike's ballcap? I guess we'll never know because he hasn't admited it... yet! What a hot, sunny evening for playing -- a blistering 28 degrees!! The fences were a blessing and a curse (by the way, who the hell puts prickle bushes & thisles along their fence?!? No kids? Ouch.)
Anyhow, some of us had more "rust" to work off than others but we were all fairly close. Stay tuned for next week! It'll be the Survivor / Temptation Island theme. Here is a cut from the tv ad... "Who will play together? Will Ross' success with his new playmate, breakup his long standing partnership? Will he be voted off the courts? Tune in next week."


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